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Vicky | 24 years young | Bath based | Slight chubby(working on it) | Cat & Dog lover | Reading obsessed

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Little house in Bath

I'am currently sat on my living room floor using a shreader box a a tabel, for I'am moving.  Me and the boy are packing up or belongins haphazadly and with a limited amount of packing materials. Hence the sporadic posting. We are staying in the same city but moving out of or little one bed top floor flat into a two bedroom house!

This little flat of ours has served us well for the past year but we need space. Also the old mad below us smells like crap, literally crap. He had two small yappie dogs and no gardens. So you can imagaine.

We wanted much more space, a garden and the option to get a dog, which this new house offers. It's a blank canvas and the landlord is allowing us to make some considerable changes. So over the past few days I've been lemming over photos of beautifully decorated house and rooms. Below are some of the ones I love in particular. Sadly as we do not have endless amounts of money much of this is unachievable. Hopefully Ikea will offer something of a likeness.

I will update will photos on Saturday when we move in and most likely several hundred photos from Ikea, as I love Ikea.

Perfect. I'm working on displaying my jewelry in a much more pleasing manner then tangled in a clear plastic box stored under my dressing table.

This may be my favourite of all the images, I'm aware this is most probably unachievable but it's so cute. I hoping to set something like this up in the spare room.

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"Little house in Bath" was Posted On: Thursday 28 July 2011 @15:43 | 2 lovely comments

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